Reposturing massage is developed to enable the Reposturing Practitioner and massage therapist to give a relaxing therapeutic treatment that contributes to postural balance and does more to gently balance stress patterns and disperse tension.
Reposturing massage goes the extra mile to include toes, ears, chest, and hands in addition to the larger muscle groups. The work integrates the fundamentals of Reposturing bodywork with more familiar and relaxing massage techniques.
In this training you will:
Learn how to incorporate fundamental concepts from posturology with your current style of massage
Get an introduction to postural analysis
Learn the proper application of Reposturing massage techniques
Reposturing Training for
Posture Optimized Post-Event Sportsmassage
When athletes finish an event, they look for competent massage professionals who can serve them FAST, so they can get going with the rest of their day.
Do you have what it takes to help a competitive athlete without getting in their way?
In this hands-on certification training, you will learn how to:
Deliver an olympic-style post-event Sportsmassage .
Serve record numbers of athletes without burning yourself out.
Be memorable to an athlete- and turn them into a client after the event.
Who needs this seminar:
You serve goal-oriented athletes, and want to optimize their performance.
You want to be able to serve more people effectively without burn-out.
You want to be able to go anywhere, with the confidence you can go right to the core of a muscular imbalance, and get the job done on the spot.
Take Action Now!! Enroll In Our Affordable Courses and Enjoy Our World Class Facility!!