Become certified as a Posture Optimization Specialist, or Therapist, and unlock your Clients’ full potential.
Aaron Parnell is the Founder of Reposturing, a body movement Technology and therapy that provides the most cutting-edge pain elimination methods available today. My passion is educating my clients to care about their health…
“Reposturing restores the freedom to your structural body, so your spirit can be free and you are fit, flexible and feel fabulous!” – Aaron Parnell
Ann is a passionate high-energy reposturing practitioner and massage therapist. She has 23 years of experience providing hands-on treatment.
“Physical limits create suffering. I work to help people feel limitless.” –Ann Moorell
Sean McCullough is currently a Sophomore in San Francisco state currently studying Kinesiology. Born and raised in Modesto, CA, Sean grew up playing instruments and participated in various travel sports. He is passionate about helping animals and people. In his spare time, Sean enjoys hunting and cooking. Sean started taking Reposturing training classes during his last month’s of High School and was offered an internship to become part of the Reposturing Team shortly after.
Become certified as a Posture Optimization Specialist, or Therapist, and unlock your Clients’ full potential.